Screenshot 2021-01-04 at 16.01.53.png


This version of MIDIext is even smaller than the usual MIDIext, allowing users with huge ableton projects with multiple launchpads to save on a little space. The plugin has portal directly built into it so it can transmit light effects to their correct launchpad as fast as it can possibly be done.

The long awaited update to the classic MIDI file loader with Portal functionality


This plugin is very simple to set up. It does require you to have Max For Live installed, which is automatically installed if you have Live 10 Suite or Trial. Just insert the plugin in a regular chain and drag the effect into the MIDI file box. Place the reciever device in another location to grab the MIDI data out of this device, transmitting it to anywhere in your project.

Screenshot 2020-11-30 at 18.11.50.png


This plugin is used to make a MIDI clip trigger based on an input from a regular MIDI message through a MIDI effect rack. This enables the use of an exported MIDI file to be re-triggered by a MIDI input signal from a MIDI controller such as a Launchpad. This was not previously possible before MIDI Extension existed and had to be done through very precise usage of MIDI effects built into Ableton Live. This plugin removes the need for those effects and allows for much more precise MIDI file craftsmanship to be re-played through this plugin and output to whatever MIDI device you like. The MIDI from the imported file gets transmitted to the reciever device.


- Added Portal functionality

- File size reduced from 85kb to 41kb

- Fixed a bug where overwriting MIDI files would cause effects to freeze

- Percentage dial extended to 1 - 250% and changed to float value over int

- UI overhaul
- Removed Shift controls (Can be re-enabled with a pitch device after MIDIext)
- Removed Mirror
- Removed Rotation
- File type recognition support - disregards anything apart from MIDI files
- File size hugely reduced from 135kb to 85kb

- Added support for light effect choke between MIDI Extensions
- Removed Key Tracking
- Removed Pre - Delay
- Removed speed link
- Increased pitch-shifting range
- Major Redesign
- File size hugely reduced from 160kb to 135kb
- Removed MIDIext Slim variant
- Re-added the play button from MIDIext1.0

- Added support for MIDIext1.0 conversion through mat1jaczyyy’s Lightweight converter.
- Image file compressed
- File size reduced from 165kb to 160kb
- Minor UI changes

- Updated to 2.2 due to pitch compatibility issues
- Root note changed to “Pitch”
- Pitch range increased to 255
- Reset button resized
- Speed control & Delay link fixed
- Interaction disabled with the BPM control when BPM sync is on, turn off BPM sync to add a manual BPM

- Overall re-design
- File size reduced from 189kb to 166kb
- Added MIDI file stopping functionality from MIDIext2.1 Master
- Fixed a bug where lights would freeze when swapping an effect during playing
- Fixed a bug where lights would freeze during changing any of the modifiers
- Modifiers title text removed
- Fixed a bug where Key Tracking values would be incorrect when pressing more than one button at the same time
- Added a link toggle between MIDI file speed and pre-delay to add a multiplier to the pre-delay to aid cross Launchpad effects
- Key-tracking toggle replaced with a toggle between Static mode and Key Tracked mode
- Reset button also clears already playing effects
- Pre-delay time maximum upgraded from 1 beat to 4 beats
- Reset button fixed to grab BPM for BPM sync again when effects are reset
- Divider added between Speed & Time modifiers, and Position & Mapping Modifiers
- Fixed a bug where root note would not save with the project in some cases

v2.0 Developed by Kaskobi
- Updated design
- Assignment file saving/loading removed, saving occurs in the Ableton Live project so no save file is needed and load times are 0
- Added more intuitive play controls to preview the light effect on your Launchpad
- Specific file directories removed, however, you must “Collect all and save” if you want other performers to play your project
- Modifier effects added to change the light effect after being exported such as Speed, Rotation, Mirror and more!

v1.0 Created by Exige
- MIDI file assignment in chains introduced
- Light effect assignment achieved through saving and loading the save file
- Tempo controls to adjust the speed of the light effect
- Mono & Poly control to determine the overlap of the light effect
- Specific plugin directories needed